Friday Download: Killswitch

Documenting the fight for the open Internet.

Squint and it feels like these days are some of the Internet’s last days. Basic human rights online have been challenged by surveillance and censorship. And while the FCC voted in favor of a strong Net Neutrality ruling, the open Internet’s survival remains an open question.

“This is a film that challenges existing power structures, not the least of which is traditional Hollywood distribution.  We want to shake things up”, said Director Ali Akbarzadeh.  “This is a film about the Internet for the Internet, so what better partnership for a debut release than on our own website in conjunction with BitTorrent Bundle?”

Killswitch frames the fight to protect a free and open Internet through the stories of two young hacktivists, Edward Snowden and Aaron Swartz, in a deeply emotional call-to-action against power structures threatening our civil liberties. Killswitch premieres today on BitTorrent Bundle. Download the Bundle for $5 to unlock the full feature.

